Frystitogarar nr.8

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Listi númer 8. Sólberg ÓF með engann afla á þennan lista. Kleifaberg RE með 551 tonn. Örfirsey RE 374 tonní 1. Hrafn Sveinbjarnarsson GK 798 tonní 1. Höfrungur III AK 500 tonní 1. Júlíus Geirmundsson ÍS 387 tonní 1.  Ef þið viljið styrkja síðuna og styðja við bakið á Aflafrettir.  klikkið þá á ...

Freezer trawlers in Iceland

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This fish season in ICeland has been relay good, and for the trawlers many ships have now fish over 7000 tons,. in Iceland there are not many freezer trawlers, they are only now 12 in total. this 12 ships have now fish total og 97 thousands thons. 2 ships have now fish over ten thousands tons.  ...